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KDS Students Receive Bryant-Jordan Student-Athlete Awards

The Bryant-Jordan Student-Athlete Program was created in 1986 by the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame in conjunction with the Alabama High School Athletic Association. It is supervised by the Board of Directors of the Bryant-Jordan Foundation.


The objectives of the program are:

  1. To recognize and honor Alabama students who have by ability and effort achieved a level of excellence in the areas of academics and athletics that is commensurate with their potential.

  2. To make aware to not only athletes but all segments of the student population that it is both important and rewarding for them to strive to be the best that they can be. The program motivates and encourages students to achieve this goal.

  3. To encourage and promote the involvement and commitment of Alabama corporations and individuals in helping improve the academic levels of all students.


The initial scholarship offered by the Bryant-Jordan Program was the scholar athlete scholarship. In 1989 the Achievement Award was created. This award is designed to reward the student-athlete who achieves beyond his/her ability both academically and athletically or who may have overcome some obstacle or hardship to achieve success.


Ninety-six scholarships are awarded annually to deserving high school seniors from schools that are members of the Alabama High School Athletic Association. The program has grown from an $8,000 award program to the present over $800,000.

This year, we are proud to announce that KDS Seniors, Landon Broadway and Addison Stinson were recipients of this prestigious award.

Congratulations Landon Broadway for being named our Bryant Jordan Scholar Athlete Award winner.
Congratulations Landon Broadway for being named our Bryant Jordan Scholar Athlete Award winner.
Congratulations Addison Stinson on being named our Bryant Jordan Achievement Award winner.
Congratulations Addison Stinson on being named our Bryant Jordan Achievement Award winner.

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