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Endowment Fund


Contributions to the KDS Endowment Fund are placed in an interest bearing account. The principal balance of the fund can never be spent; only the interest derived from the fund can be spent for the various needs of the school. The interest from the Endowment Fund is used to supplement the Annual Fund which pays for the building repairs and maintenance for the 240 acre campus. The needs of such an aging and historic campus have never been greater. Several of the classroom buildings that were built in the 1930’s and 1940’s are in major need of repair and/or renovation, and newer buildings like the Burkey Center and DAR Lunchroom will need continual upkeep as the years progress.


In addition, the Annual Fund pays DAR employee salaries, utility bills, insurance for buildings and vehicles, and pays school related expenses for our students when specific restricted funds have not been donated. The Endowment Fund is the foundation that must be built upon in order to care for KDS in the generations to come.

Endowment Fund Giving Levels


365 Club

$365 to $999 (School House Pin)

Bell Tower Level

$1,000 to $4,999 (Bell Tower Pin)

Patriot Level

$5,000 to $9,999 (Patriot on Horseback Pin)

Legacy Gold Level

$10,000 to $49,000 (Gold KDS Logo Pin)

Legacy Platinum Level

$50, 000 + (Platinum KDS Logo Pin)

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