Gem Sustained Giving

Click here to download our Gem Sustained Giving brochure and application.
Members of the Gem Sustained Giving Society demonstrate an ongoing commitment to the needs of KDS and its students by making a modest donation each month, creating a consistent and reliable source of income that allows the school to plan ahead and address critical needs before they arise. This exclusive group of supporters provides a steady source of income for the Annual Giving Fund and the most important resource of all - the more than 1,300 children who have the privilege of attending KDS DAR School.
There are a number of benefits to members of the Gem Sustained Giving Society:
Joining is easy and convenient. Simply complete the form, and return it to KDS.
Makes setting and achieving a donation goal easy. Your annual giving goal can be broken out over 12 months, taking the guesswork out of when and how much to give.
The program is flexible. You choose the annual donation amount, and you decide when and how you want the contribution to be made. And, of course, you may change your preferences at any time.
It's safe. Your contribution will be made via secure electronic funds transfer from your checking account.
Contributions made through the Gem Sustained Giving Society qualify to receive the same recognition as other Annual Giving Fund donations.
Members of the Gem Sustained Giving Society will receive a unique and beautiful recognition pin.

Gem Sustained Giving Society Recognition Pin
Members of the Gem Sustained Giving Society will receive the official recognition pin following the submission of completed enrollment paperwork and the first processed payment. Members will receive a new gem charm at the conclusion of each year of continuous annual pledge fulfillment.